On Thursday, February 29, the Iron Gate Town Council held their regularly scheduled meeting to discuss usual town business. In attendance were Iron Gate Mayor Gary Craig, Town Attorney Jared Jenkins, Councilman Brandon Marshall, Vice Mayor Richard Erskine, Councilwoman Kawahna Persinger, Councilwoman Debbie Harris, Councilwoman Jennifer Tyree, and Town Clerk/Treasurer Jodi Watts. Councilman Gordon “G.W.” Reynolds was absent due to a death in the family.
Following invocation —led by Vice Mayor Erskine— the meeting was officially called to order at 7:02 by Mayor Craig at which point a roll call was taken. The first order of business was to approve the minutes from the regular council meeting that was held on January 25, 2024, and from the work session held on February 12, 2024. The council voted unanimously to approve those minutes.
After the mayor’s report, Joshua Craft, principal at Jackson River Technical Center (JRTC), stood to give a brief presentation about the future of JRTC. “It still is Jackson River Technical Center and it will remain Jackson River Technical Center,” Craft stated prior to standing before members of council and local citizens. “We [Craft and Superintendent Kim Halterman] came on behalf of Alleghany Highlands Public Schools to thank the governing body for your support in signing the proclamation that was signed by the four governing bodies in the Alleghany Highlands a couple weeks ago declaring that February was ‘Career and Technical Education Month’ in the Alleghany Highlands and also to recognize that Jackson River Technical Center, which opened in 1974, this year is celebrating its 50th year.”
Craft also stated that JRTC is currently offering 10 separate programs at the longtime establishment, but hopes to “expand in the next several years.” Craft said, “JRTC is not the only school that provides ‘Career and Technical Education’ (CTE), to our students. Alleghany High School has also invested in courses as is Covington Middle School.” Mr. Craft also noted, following a question by Mayor Craig, that JRTC does not currently offer night classes, but listed all 10 programs currently offered by JRTC which are: “automotive technology, carpentry, early childhood education, drafting and drawing, welding, culinary arts, electricity, marketing, nurse aid, and building management.” Craft also said that most students start working immediately after high school who have received training at JRTC.
After Craft’s presentation, public comments, and the adjustment of a sewer bill, Mayor Craig then moved on to new business, which first included voting in the New Town Clerk/Treasurer, Jodi Watts, who replaced longtime Iron Gate representative, Wendy Biggs. Council unanimously voted to accept Watts as their clerk/treasurer and asked if she had anything she wished to add. Watts said, “I’ve learned quite a bit, but I still have a lot to learn and I’d like to continue to learn, see what I can do, and see what I can do to help the town.”
Additional business included the following:
— Council unanimously approved receipts, disbursements, and payment of bills.
— Council voted to approve the purchase of a laptop for the new Town Clerk, Jodi Watts, up to $1,000.
— Council went into a closed legal session under 2.2-37.11 following the regular meeting, though Mayor Craig stated they would not be voting on anything.
— Council discussed the need to hire a new part-time trash truck driver with a commercial driver’s license (CDL). Mayor Craig stated they had someone in mind and would be reaching out to her about the position. The position, at most, would be for about 8 hours a week.
— Council discussed one homeowner’s utility bill after the owner discovered a leak under their house on 12/28/23. The leak was immediately repaired and no water ran into the sewer. As such, council unanimously voted to adjust the sewer portion of the bill to $87 a month.
— Council set dates for the next work session as well as the next council meeting. The work session will be held on March 18, 2024, while the council meeting will be held on March 28, 2024.