DALEVILLE - Days before their final swim meet before their winter break Alleghany competed with Lord Botetourt and Carroll County at...
LEXINGTON - In Alleghany's last swim meet before their winter break, they lost to Rockbridge County in both the boys and girls' classes...
LOW MOOR - The Alleghany varsity boys basketball team is surging after having won their fourth game in a row...
Boys 300 Meter Dash1. Brandon Murray, Battlefield - 34.392. Rhema Nkwocha, Eastern Tech HS - 35.583. Carson Owen's, Washington-Liberty HS -...
STUARTS DRAFT - Playing for the first time in nearly two weeks Alleghany fell on the road on Monday in...
COVINGTON, Va. (VR) - The weather was cold and blustery outside, but inside Clifton Academy the wrestling mats were heated. Local...
ALLEGHANY COUNTY, Va. (VR) Alleghany Cougar Junior Carter Nicely was recognized, on Saturday January 4th at a wrestling tournament held...
COVINGTON, Va (VR)- In local hardwood action on Monday night, the Cougar boy’s basketball team hosted Stuarts Draft. The JV...
SALEM - The East Coast Elite Roanoke #2 invitational was held on Thursday, December 19th at the Kerr-Cregger Field House...
ROANOKE - The Northside Invitational Tournament began last Thursday and lasted until Saturday. Alleghany placed 5th at the event. In the tournaments opening...
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