These items were seized during search warrants conducted by the Alleghany Highlands Drug Task Force on January 31, 2024 and on February 6, 2024. The items consist of Methamphetamine, Cocaine, Marijuana, and other items that revealed distribution of the substances. The Drug Task Force is comprised of members of the Alleghany County Sheriff’s Office, the Covington Police Dept., the Bath County Sheriff’s Office, Craig County Sheriff’s Office and the Virginia State Police.
Charges placed consisted of Possession with intent to distribute Schedule I drugs 4X, intent to distribute Cocaine 1X as well as intent to distribute marijuana 3X and three charges of child endangerment and several charges of possession of controlled substances. The suspects are currently residing in the Alleghany County Regional Jail awaiting trial.
Anyone with information that can be utilized to make these kinds of arrests and help rid the streets of Alleghany County, the City of Covington and the Town of Clifton Forge of drugs is asked to contact the Alleghany County Sheriff’s Office @ 540-965-1770 and request to speak with an investigator.
This bust is one of many to come.