Dear Editor,
These days of political unrest and division, and throw in COVID for good measure, gives us all many opportunities to learn. A friend just sent me this note:
“A great challenge of life: Knowing enough to think you are right, but not knowing enough to know that you are wrong.”
We have all been in that position which has given us the responsibility to research statements and positions to find out the ultimate truth.
As a newspaper I commend you for following such guidelines when printing articles of interest. However, when some Letters to the Editor have significant misstatements put forth as truth, I take umbrage.
The most recent was asserting that President-elect Biden has appointed billionaires to his cabinet intrigued me. With more down-time lately, I looked it up.
First of all, I could find no record of any of his cabinet being billionaires. And in reading about his choices, they all have significant experience in the field to which they will be cabinet chair.
I went further to add up net worth of the current cabinet members as compared to the future cabinet and only included if net worth of both parties was listed. Donald Trump’s cabinet’s net worth combined is approximately $6.6 billion with two billionaires, and Joe Biden’s Cabinet’s net worth combined is approximately $72 million, with no billionaires.
During these times of division and dissension, please follow your heart after you have researched the truth, not ill conceived statements put out to encourage the divide.
At that point, we will become a closer nation.
Thank you,
Nick Williams
Johnson Creek Road, Covington