The Jackson River Garden Club met at the Mallow Presbyterian Church at 1 p.m. on September 11.
There were 16 members present. President Nancy Tyree led the members in reciting the Collect and then
thanked the hostesses, Darlene Taylor, Chris Taylor, and Connie Oliver. The refreshments were served.
President Tyree introduced the program guests, Teresa Hammond and her assistant, Sandra Denius, from the Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce and Tourism.
Teresa Hammond passed out brochures to the members and spoke of all that they do.
We then watched a PBS Documentary film on “The History of Alleghany Highlands.” It was very enjoyable and informative. It covered the history on the railroad and many historic landmarks.
The DVD can be purchased from the Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commece and Tourism. They are also working on a project, a Visitor Guide of what we have to offer in the area. The Welcome Center at Jerry’s Run has many brochures and lists of different places to see.
President Tyree thanked Teresa Hammond for the program.
The minutes from the August meeting were read by Robbie Vess and approved as read.
The treasurer’s report was given by Judy Hazen.
Birds & Butterflies Report
Kitty Carson displayed a newspaper article on birds and a book on why birds sing. The bird’s song is directed to the bird of the same species. The male bird is usually the singer.
She recommends that you don’t put food coloring in your hummingbird feeder. It could be harmful. Continue to feed your birds.
Garden Therapy Report
Bea Kasnick-reported on Brian Center Post Office, and the Depot plants. They have not done well due to the drought and some have died.
Member Jere Garcia was wished a happy birthday by members.
The judges for the Horticulture and Design Exhibits were:
Bea Kasnick, Nancy Tyree and
Sharon Ferguson.
The report is as follows:
Bea Kasnick one credit; Harriet Byers one blue; Kitty Carson one blue, one red; Sharon Ferguson five credits; Darlene Taylor, seven blue, seven red.
Harriet Byers one blue; Kitty Carson one red, one credit; Darlene Taylor one red.
The next meeting will be held October 9.