Dear Editor,
Picture this: All 222,633 people in Alleghany, Bath, Botetourt and Rockbridge counties, plus the city of Charlottesville — gone!
Over 200,000 fellow pilgrims have already died from COVID-19 in the USA.
Trump’s national plan appears to be “herd mentality.” I think he means “herd immunity via catch it and become immune or die.”
Trump gives himself an A-plus in dealing with the virus while he holds super spreader rallies, ridicules wearing masks and falsely claims only old people are vulnerable. He muzzles public health professionals while allowing public relations personnel to mess with CDC and NIH data and websites.
Meanwhile, he rushes to appoint a judge to the Supreme Court who is likely to vote to overturn the Affordable Care Act. The University of Washington IHME Model predicts a death count of 400,000 to 620,000 if we continue down this path.
Vote as if your life depends on it. Winter is coming.
Steve Swoope
Olive Street, Clifton Forge
Dear Editor,
My main Facebook account was totally pulled from its existence over three weeks back. It still has not been restored.
I immediately submitted my official ID. They acknowledged its receipt but they yet to reply. I was not hacked. Facebook officially vanished my account.
They gave no reason or notice. Not only can I not post or comment, so many of my photos, especially wedding photos, are gone. Eleven and a half years of posts are wiped as well.
This is all politically motivated by Facebook. The idea of my posts on Facebook is to reach out to those who may not agree with me. I wanted to reach out to those who were either neutral, apathetic, or those who I knew would at initially strongly disagree with me. This is the biggest reason why I tolerated any and all comments.
However, Facebook will no longer allow that to be possible. Usually when an individual is placed in Facebook jail, he or she is not able to post.
However, their account is still intact and it can still be viewed by them and others.
I did post something that could be perceived as controversial about politicians. However, I know about the “Good Ole Boy Network” in the USA and especially in Southwest Virginia.
I have the right to express my views and doubts. I certainly did post about how the “legal profession” have taken over the courts and all proceedings, “lawyering” people to abject submission.
I have been the recipient of adverse consequences because of my “critique” of the Bar attorneys for the least 30 years. The reason for the total deletion could be the preceding. Who knows?
I would like to finally mention that I am not a racist against any race. I truly believe that everyone needs to be treated the same regardless of race and ethnicity.
In my view, no one should use race or ethnicity as an excuse for anything. I did not wait until I was 52 years old to become a racist.
It is my firm belief that the authority of the police officer must be respected properly at a scene in which a possible crime may have taken place because of the possibility of presumptive imminent danger. That officer represents the state and we all must cooperate as much as we can in that specific crucial situation.
Furthermore, if one truly believes police officers are racist against people of his or her race, the last thing that individual should do is give that officer an excuse to commit a physical act against him or her. Common sense should apply at all times.
Facebook and Big Tech continue its purge of alternate viewpoints. The days of darkness are upon us. The time to resist is now.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
Valley Ridge Road, Covington