Dear Editor,
John Stec had a well-written letter two weeks ago about the impending failure of the Constitutional Republic in America. While his points were definitely meaningful, his letter signifies a highly common misconception that most Americans have. It seems that these people are centrally focused on secondary and even artificial divisions. People need to break out of the paradigms of Republican vs Democrat, Conservative vs Liberal, and Populist vs. Progressive. The real PTBs use all this to Divide and Rule.
When a private organization exclusively monopolizes one government branch, controls the other two, and then uses that derived authority to infiltrate all aspects of people’s lives, that in itself should be the most immediate and sole concern of all Americans. People should always look for the underlying causes of mal governance rather than just look at its symptoms. Unfortunately, too many of the electorate are image-oriented.
Many if not most of my views can be viewed as conservative. Yet I supported highly liberal Ralph Northam in his Virginia gubernatorial race because he was not a direct beneficiary of same-hand governance. He was not an attorney-at-law, a lobbyist, nor a non-productive “shell corporation” and “high-finance” kleptocrat. In the Indian Independence Movement, only Indians were allowed to participate despite many well-meaning Europeans desiring to assist. In the same manner, I would rather support a candidate that I totally disagree with on his/her positions, if he/she is not “compromised”, than someone I totally agree with on his/her positions but who is “compromised”. In order to prevent an intimidating power from emerging in society, all laws pertaining to governance have to ban conflicts of interests. Yet when an officeholder is involved in such conflicts, that officeholder should have never been allowed to hold office regardless of his/her political viewpoints.
With the current form of democracy, the presence of an intimidating power will remain in full force. It needs to be made much more Representative.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
Covington, Virginia