The Jackson River Garden Club held its November 10 meeting at Covington Baptist Church. Fourteen members attended.
Sue Winston, club president, called the meeting to order and thanked hostesses Edna Tigrett and Harriet Byers for refreshments. Good wishes were expressed to members with November birthdays. Club members were saddened to learn of the recent death of Libby Cross, who was active as long as her health permitted.
September and October minutes were read by the secretary and were accepted as read. The treasurer’s report was given by Judy Hazen.
A motion was made, seconded and accepted to send a donation to the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs toward expenses at the state meeting.
Motions were made and seconded to reimburse Rovenna Bazzrea and Sue Winston for expenses both have had recently for the club business.
The Christmas luncheon was discussed and it was moved to and seconded to have the hospitality committee decide where to have the luncheon. The telephone committee will notify members of the decision.
Sue Winston reminded the club to try to attend the Clifton Forge Woman’s Club open house.
Anti-litter and Conservation chairman Rebecca Throckmorton sent letters to local schools to inform them about the Smokey Bear contest. She has had no response so far.
Horticulture chairman Edna Tigrett reminded gardeners with poinsettias to make sure they give the plant a limited amount of natural light to encourage color change and blooming for Christmas. She also advised not to cut back hydrangeas now to avoid cutting next year’s blooms.
The business meeting was adjourned. A workshop followed. Holiday arrangements and wreaths were made and displayed for credit for all who participated.