Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
100 Years Ago
March, 1924
Minstrel Show Ready to Open: Costumes have been given out and make-ups told to every performer
The show for the benefit of the local fire department is all ready for the curtain tonight and all the actors and actresses are on edge awaiting their turn to appear before the local public in what is expected to be the best local-talent show ever seen here.
“Hy” Whyitcomb gave final instructions to all this afternoon and feels confident that they are all ready to put the show over with a bang.
The costumes are practically new and make a very nobby appearance, each participant wearing a costume that gives the impression that it was made especially for him or her. The opening song by the minstrel is the snappiest that has been heard here from any minstrel. The musical act is quite a lively affair and the chorus of 18 girls has some very attractive songs and dances.
75 Years Ago
March, 1949
Girl Scouts Observe Birthday Anniversary
The Covington Girl Scouts along with Girl Scouts all over the United States and England are celebrating their 37th birthday anniversary this week. On March 12, 1912, under the direction of Mrs. Juliette Low of Savannah Georgia, the Girl Scout movement was organized.
The Covington Girl Scout organization has a membership of 305 registered members with approximately 100 additional members who will soon be ready to register, Mrs. Lucy Y. Wilson, registrar of the council, said today.
“We are proud of the continued growth and progress of the Girl Scout program in Covington,” Mrs. Wilson said, “we now have an eleven-member local council.
50 Years Ago
March, 1974
Variety Show Set for Saturday Night
The 1974 Heart Fund Variety Show will be held at 8pm Saturday in Covington High School auditorium, featuring both youth and adult performers. The variety show format means the acts will not compete for prizes, as in the past.
Emory W. Brackman, chairman of the 1974 Covington-West Alleghany County Heart Fund campaign, will be master of ceremonies. William B. Zimmerman Jr. will serve as stage director.
A special feature of the event will be several vocal selections by Miss Teresa Mays, last year’s Heart Fund talent show winner.
25 Years Ago
March, 1999
2nd Mr. Caribbean Pageant Thursday at Alleghany High
The Second Annual Mr. Caribbean Pageant is set for Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the Alleghany High School Auditorium. Doors open at 7 p.m. and tickets are $4 for adults and $3 for children/students.
The event is sponsored by the Alleghany High School Marine Biology Class, and its purpose is to raise money for a coral reef research trip to the Virgin Islands May 1-7.
Each of the 14 contestants will be representing a Caribbean Island and will be judged in the following categories: native costume, sportswear, formal wear, and impromptu response to a question posed before the audience. The contestants, as a group, will also perform the Limbo.
Additional entertainment includes Shawn McIntosh and Julie Gilliland, swing dancing, members of the AHS Concert Choir singing, and a solo song by Beth Sampson.