Dear Editor.
Are our Republican House Representatives Ben Cline & Morgan Griffith anti-inflation reduction or anti-national security?
Democrats and the compliant mainstream media (MSM), the ‘shock troops’ of the Democrat Party, rely on half-truths and outright falsehoods to mis-lead voters. What the press puts out, and what Democrats spout through the compliant MSM and social media, are statements like “Republicans are against the increase border security” or “The Republicans want to suppress the right to vote for minorities”, or some other non-sequitur statement. A few examples will demonstrate.
First, the Republicans in the House, led by Speaker Mike Johnson, are insisting that a proposed bill/law have only one purpose, and all in the bill be germane to the stated purpose. For instance, if a bill is to procure funding for infrastructure improvement (repairing bridges, & roads), it should not contain any amendments for any other purpose, like monies for FBI pay increases, or for transgender surgeries on soldiers, or for aborting unborn children. Said amendments are known as ‘pork’. All monies in this example bill should be used to repair bridges and roads…period.
Buried in the 750 pages long misnomered Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA), is much pork, which is why every House Republican voted against it…even before Republicans reclaimed the House majority. The MSM and Democrat spokespersons spouted that “Republicans are against reducing inflation that is hurting all Americans”. Let’s take a look at some buried pork in this bill, and if it is really tied to reducing inflation…
$80 billion designated to hire 87,000 more government employees, IRS agents for “increased tax enforcement”, equivalent to 1,740 more ‘agents’ per state, $820,000 per agent… WTH = what the heck! We’re promised this new army of IRS agents will only look at entities/persons making over $400,000/year. Does anyone sans lobotomy believe that? What are this many people going to be “enforcing” 8 hours a day, 5 days/week, 52 weeks/year? And these IRS “jobs”, with associated benefits and pensions will NEVER be eliminated. And if the Democrats do the hiring, who do you think they will be going after ? Certainly not their rich donors. Sounds like impending political persecution, third world stuff.
$369 billion for “energy security and climate change” to supposedly reduce energy costs and save the planet from people who produce carbon dioxide at the rate of two pounds/day, just by breathing. This is to be used to promote/force ”home efficiency upgrades”, like cold water and European-style washing machines incapable of cleaning/washing your clothes (they don’t allow the use of enough water or detergent), or additionally taxing homes using oil or gas heat. Included in this portion is to incentivize use of electric vehicles, that are very expensive, have limited use in cold climate, have limited mileage range per charge, and use electricity produced by…guess what?…coal and natural gas-fired power plants!
And the major cause of our inflation? The immediate (January 2021) stoppage of drilling and pipelines for oil and gas, nullifying everything that President Trump encouraged for energy independence. The Democrats are in full support of Green New Deal garbage.
Some $350 billion to be used for “loans” to build alternate energy sources, like wind farms and solar farms that rely on unreliable weather and wind to generate electricity. Wind turbines are a highly controversial topic in themselves.
$1.13 billion to plant trees in urban areas; $102 million for California & $74 million for New York. How nice. How is this to be used to reduce inflation? Pelosi got over $10 million to offer tree-planting jobs to Californians in strategic cities to insure they continue to vote for Democrats, despite the wreckage in her cities (illegal unvetted immigrants overrunning their ‘sanctuary’ cities, drugs in open use, defecation & needles on the sidewalks, etc). Ditto for Chuck Schumer in New York, where he is openly bragging about giving out tree-planting jobs to city-dwellers so they also continue to vote Democrat – over $10 million dollars worth of votes.
750 pages worth of detail, too much of it pork. What has any of the above have to do with reducing inflation?
How about the recently passed, December 2023, National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2024 (NDAA)? First, it is some 973 pages long, with lots of stuff hidden in the text having nothing to do with national defense. Like what?
$600 million more for unaccounted use by Ukrainian war bureaucrats, some purchased weapons having been found to have been sold to unsavory others in different parts of the world. Money for sex re-assignment surgery, supposedly to make for battle readiness??? Money to transport military women across pro-life state lines to states that allow the killing of unborn children…and money to pay for the killing itself. Money to continue promulgating Critical Race Theory, which should help promote camaraderie??? Money to continue to force Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity “goals” across the board, so everyone can be kind to each other and have the proper ratios of LGBTQIA persons in the military ranks and be made aware of referring to them by their preferred pronouns??? Money to fund continued weaponization of the FBI to harass and monitor the likes of domestic terrorists like parents who attend school board meetings and peacefully praying pro-life Catholics???
Democrats are 100% behind all the garbage in said bills, and if one objects to having non-germane items in these bills, we hear from Democrats Rep. Jim Himes “Americans and allies will die if not passed”, & from Sen. Chuck Schumer “The security of our western democracy hangs in the balance”…
Thank goodness for Republicans with integrity like our own Representatives Ben Cline & Morgan Griffith who voted against the NDAA & IRA unless/until the wasteful funding for nefarious legion unrelated and immoral items were removed.
With an economic crash waiting to happen with $30+ trillion in national debt, and growing, this explains why Mike Johnson and the Republican-controlled House are insisting on single issue bills with only germane amendments. Cline & Griffith are responsible representatives.
Sincerely…John Stec
Covington, VA