Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
November 18, 1923
99 Years Ago
3 Hurt When Auto Plunges Into Pike’s Pond
Forest, Howard and Lonnie Landes, brothers, of Dry Run, were slightly cut and bruised and forced to swim for their lives in the cold waters of Pike’s Pond, when a small automobile in which they were riding towards Clifton Forge crashed into a heavy truck on the Covington-Clifton Forge Highway at Pike Pond, just east of Low Moor, late yesterday afternoon and then veered over the bank into the pond. The car in which they were riding landed in eight or nine feet of water and the men had difficulty in extricating themselves and swimming ashore.
November 18, 1957
65 Years Ago
Air Force Developing New Weapon
The Air Force says a scientific team is probing the possibility of nuclear explosions in space as a possible weapon against intercontinental missiles. An announcement from Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M., last night said a group of 16 scientists is near “a major scientific breakthrough, the key to America’s defense against an intercontinental ballistic missile.”
November 18, 1982
40 Years Ago
When Mount Vesuviu buried the Roman city of Pompeii and much of its population, the people of neighboring Herculaneum were thought to have escaped now appears many did not make it. Scientists have discovered more than 80 remarkably well-preserved human skeletons in the ruins of Herculaneum and suspect that hundreds more might lie beneath the volcanic debris.
November 18, 2002
20 Years Ago
New England Hit By Powerful Nor’easter.
A nor’easter packing a dangerous mix of snow and freezing rain spread a destructive layer of ice and parts of New England, leaving thousands of people without electricity. The storm formed along the coast of the Carolinas and rolled northward Sunday along a cold front, producing rain from the Carolinas to southern New England.
November 18, 2007
15 Years Ago
JRTC Early Childhood Class Celebrates Fall And Friendship
Students in the Early Childhood Education class at Jackson River Technical Center have been celebrating Fall and Friendship. The students from both Alleghany and Covington high schools learn about child development, education and care twice a week and practice their skills with preschoolers three times a week. Nonette Cosgrove is the instructor. In the photo below, front from left are preschoolers Cassidy Williams, Kyleigh Fridley, Tyler Curtis, Hannah Smith, Garrett Via, Kylie Church, Lexie Williams, Emma Williams, Miranda Smith, John Morgan, Luke Fisher, Jeffery Harris, Meghan Broughman and Hunter McLain. In back are senior student teachers Tyra Davis, Rachel Lockhart, Jennifer Roberts, Tonya Boguess, Tanya Johnson and Katie Murray