Dear Editor, November 2023
The U.S. Elites have a very close relationship with Israel. Israel has received 30% of all American foreign aid since WWII, receiving $300 billion (inflation-adjusted). American support and diplomatic cover to Israel has been unconditional. In the 2014 massacre of Gazans by Israelis, the U.N. Human Rights Council and nearly the entire voted to condemn it except the USA.
Why does the USA Deep State totally offer blind-faith support to Israel despite all its war crimes and state-sanctioned racism? The US military has 1000 bases in the world so they can invade any nation at any time quickly. The goal of the US-led Western colonial powers is to control the world’s natural resources and its markets and to bend other nations’ sovereignty to its mercenary will.
America needs Israel to be its “attack dog”. Israel has destabilized certain independent Arab nations to keep those nations subservient to its geo-political and economic policies. Israel has done the “dirty work” of the West. Israel continued to support South Africa and its system of Apartheid against non-Whites. Israel even assisted South Africa’s colonization of Namibia by building an electrified fence on the Namibian-Angola border. Israel also trained torturers in the CIA-backed Pinochet tyrannical dictatorship that ruled Chile. In addition, Israel operatives trained the Guatemalan army to holocaust its indigenous people. Israel has been instrumental in the draconian “War On Terror” unleashed by the American Deep State after 9/11. Israel has attacked Syria and Iraq frequently. Moreover that Zionist nation has killed Iranian scientists and has struck its numerous ships.
Israel is therefore necessary to assist the preservation of the global American empire. However people in Western nations and Israel are now bitterly divided about Israel’s aggressiveness for its morality and functionality. Israel’s military has been “kicked out” of Lebanon twice and Gaza in 2014. Hegemony will start to decline and very soon multi-polarity will take its place.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
Covington, Virginia