In a rather short meeting, the Alleghany Highlands School Board unanimously approved Resolutions in support of attendance awareness and bullying prevention, at Tuesday evening’s regular meeting held at its Central Office Complex in Low Moor.
Cindy Fox, Supervisor of Customized Learning, presented the resolution to recognize September as Attendance Awareness Month. A month to recognize the benefits to students and families from school attendance. Dwayne Ross, Director of Secondary Instruction, presented the resolution to recognize October as Bullying Prevention Month. All the schools in the division will place an extra effort on bullying prevention education and activities during the month of October.
The Board also unanimously approved the budget development calendar and designation of 6 p.m., Jan. 16, 2024, as the date for a public hearing on the FY 24/25 budget, liaison for capital improvement needs, and provision of propane projects.
In other action, the Board heard informational items, to include, a cafeteria report, capital improvement and operational maintenance updates, division operational updates, board development materials, and a budget report and some clarifications from Rebecca Irvine, Director of Finance.
During the Board member comments, all agreed in commending the teachers, school staff members, maintenance, bus drivers, and the students and their parents for going above and beyond to make for a successful transition into the consolidated school system.
After the public meeting was adjourned, Board members entered closed session to discuss personnel, student, and legal matters. They were also to discuss school safety reports, compulsory attendance and to review a job description.