Beginning on Oct. 25, Sunday services at First Presbyterian Church in Covington will return to the sanctuary for in-person worship.
The Rev. George C. Goodman will lead the 11:00 o’clock service. A called congregational meeting will follow the service.
Following guidelines from Presbytery of the Peaks, the CDC and the governor of Virginia, wearing a mask is required, along with social distancing.
The services will continue to be available using the church’s YouTube channel FPC Covington VA. A link to the YouTube channel is also posted on the church’s website:
The services remain on the channel to be watched at any time.
Daniel Pillow offers a daily Bible reading and prayer at 8 a.m. on the YouTube channel FPCCovington VA. These devotions may also be read at any time.
The adult Sunday school class is hosted every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. by Joe Wilson on Zoom. Anyone interested in the class and discussion may call Joe at 862-7017 to sign up for Zoom.
First Presbyterian Church is located on the corner of Maple and Locust streets in Covington.
Please call 962-2195 or 862-7017 for information.
All are welcome.