Alleghany County Parks and Recreation, the U.S. Forest Service along with Boys Home of Virginia will host the 30th annual free Kids Fishing Day on Saturday, October 17, on Dunlap Creek at Boys Home.
The event is open to kids ages 4 to 15.
All participants must be accompanied by an adult. No fishing license is required, but state fishing laws do apply. Just bring your pole and bait.
Dunlap Creek will be stocked with rainbow trout so all kids will have the opportunity to catch some really nice fish.
For the 30th year, there will also be golden trout stocked.
Adults may cast for a child, if necessary, but the child must land and reel the fish in on their own.
Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. with fishing running from 9 a.m. to noon. The event will have 100 participants maximum with all kids receiving a Kids Fishing Day T-shirt.
Thanks to generous supporters, the event is free.
For more information, contact Alleghany County Parks and Recreation at 863-6622 or www.alleghanycountyrecreation. com. For any weather related concerns, contact the weather information line at 962-PARK.
The event will adhere to CDC and Virginia Department of Health recommendations and restrictions to keep everyone safe.
Safety steps include:
• Please limit yourself to one guardian per participant. Participants and guardians must wear a mask when social distancing of six feet can’t be maintained between families or staff;
• Staff will be wearing masks and gloves when handing out T-shirts and water. Hand sanitizer will be on site. Registration will be set up as you drive in so crowding will not occur.
• We will only allow a maximum of 100 participants. Please stay in your vehicles until staff instructs you to enter the fishing area.
• Certain activities will be skipped this year due to the situation surrounding COVID-19. The emphasis this year will be strictly on fishing. We will not have a picnic. No one will be allowed to drive up to the Boys Home campus.
Please come out and enjoy this wonderful outdoor activity and please take precaution. For the safety of others, if you feel sick or have a temperature, please don’t attend the event.