Covington residents will have the opportunity to dispose of unwanted items through the city’s Fall Cleanup, scheduled for the weeks of Oct. 19 through Oct. 30.
Fall cleanup items will be picked up on your regular refuse collection day. If your items are not out on your designated clean-up day, city workers will not be able to return due to time restrictions.
The city will only pick up articles placed at the resident’s property line (either at the front roadway or at the alley way). The Clean Up does not include commercial or contractors who have debris.
Residents are advised to keep white goods (stoves, refrigerators, etc.) and tires separated from other disposed of articles.
Tires on rims will not be accepted. There will be a limit of six tires per resident. Tires will be picked up separately.
Whole trees will not be accepted.
One truckload per household will be strictly enforced.
The city will be divided into east and west sections using the CSX railroad tracks as the dividing line during the two-week clean up.
• Week of Oct. 19-23: East side of railroad tracks.
• Week of Oct. 26-30: West side of railroad tracks.