Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
August 29, 1923
99 Years Ago
To Be Biggest Of All Fairs
Auto polo, the most sensational and thrilling of America’s outdoor attractions, will feature each day and night of the Alleghany County Fair. Auto polo is the costliest attraction ever brought to this city, but Secretary Thomas B. McCaleb is determined to make the 1923 fair the greatest exhibition ever here and has left no stone unturned to provide the highest class features obtainable, and arrangements have been completed with Austin C. Wilson, nationally known producer of auto polo to bring his celebrated aggregation here.
August 29, 1937
85 Years Ago
A performance by the Covington Band and the broadcast of the Louis-Farr championship fight will be the outstanding attractions at the water carnival to be held at the Covington Municipal Pool on Monday night. Last night’s carnival was cut short because of weather conditions but the crowd assembled found a great deal of interest in the diving exhibition put on by J.C. Matheny and the two contests which were staged.
August 29, 1962
60 Years Ago
Covington Alumni Elects Phillips New President
New officers and new committee chairmen for 1962-1963 were elected and appointed at Tuesday afternoon’s meeting of the Covington High School Alumni Association at the City Hall assembly room. Jerry Phillips succeeded Dr. W.J. Ellis as president. Miss Negebie Ellis, Mrs. Rachel Smith and Mrs. Mildred Phillips were elected members of the association’s executive board.
August 29, 1987
35 Years Ago
Bath Supervisors Deny’s Alleged FOI Violations
Bath County Supervisor Stuart Hall today refuted allegations that the board of supervisors has violated the state Freedom of Information Act by discussing matters not covered by the statue in closed meetings. The board’s policy on executive or closed meetings came under fire from Commonwealth’s Attorney William A. Parks Jr., who represented the supervisors until they decided last week to look for a new lawyer.
August 29, 2012
10 Years Ago
Isaac Drenches New Orleans
People are swamped by wind-pushed waves on the seawall of Lake Pontchartrain in Baton Rouge, La. Tuesday as Hurricane Isaac approached New Orleans. The storm was arriving at the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, which devastated Louisiana and Mississippi when it struck on Aug. 29, 2005
is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
August 29, 1923
99 Years Ago
To Be Biggest Of All Fairs
Auto polo, the most sensational and thrilling of America’s outdoor attractions, will feature each day and night of the Alleghany County Fair. Auto polo is the costliest attraction ever brought to this city, but Secretary Thomas B. McCaleb is determined to make the 1923 fair the greatest exhibition ever here and has left no stone unturned to provide the highest class features obtainable, and arrangements have been completed with Austin C. Wilson, nationally known producer of auto polo to bring his celebrated aggregation here.
August 29, 1937
85 Years Ago
A performance by the Covington Band and the broadcast of the Louis-Farr championship fight will be the outstanding attractions at the water carnival to be held at the Covington Municipal Pool on Monday night. Last night’s carnival was cut short because of weather conditions but the crowd assembled found a great deal of interest in the diving exhibition put on by J.C. Matheny and the two contests which were staged.
August 29, 1962
60 Years Ago
Covington Alumni Elects Phillips New President
New officers and new committee chairmen for 1962-1963 were elected and appointed at Tuesday afternoon’s meeting of the Covington High School Alumni Association at the City Hall assembly room. Jerry Phillips succeeded Dr. W.J. Ellis as president. Miss Negebie Ellis, Mrs. Rachel Smith and Mrs. Mildred Phillips were elected members of the association’s executive board.
August 29, 1987
35 Years Ago
Bath Supervisors Deny’s Alleged FOI Violations
Bath County Supervisor Stuart Hall today refuted allegations that the board of supervisors has violated the state Freedom of Information Act by discussing matters not covered by the statute in closed meetings. The board’s policy on executive or closed meetings came under fire from Commonwealth’s Attorney William A. Parks Jr., who represented the supervisors until they decided last week to look for a new lawyer.
August 29, 2012
10 Years Ago
Isaac Drenches New Orleans
People are swamped by wind-pushed waves on the seawall of Lake Pontchartrain in Baton Rouge, La. Tuesday as Hurricane Isaac approached New Orleans. The storm was arriving at the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, which devastated Louisiana and Mississippi when it struck on Aug. 29, 2005