Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
July 15, 1937
85 Years Ago
Cow Running At Large Results In Fine To Owner
A slight variation in the charges appeared today on the Covington police blotter. Besides the usual charge of “drunk” a charge of a cow running at large was listed. The cow’s owner was fined $2.50 by Police Justice Paris Wright for allowing his cow to run at large.
July 15, 1962
60 Years Ago
Scott, Byrd Make Gains At C&O Hospital
A doctor at the C&O Hospital in Clifton Forge reported this morning that John Williams Scott, former manager of the Alleghany CountryClub, is “holding his own” against injuries sustained in a car wreck Thursday night. He added that Duncan Byrd Jr., son of the commonwealth’s attorney of Bath County is “doing very well.” Byrd suffered a leg injury in the same accident that injured Scott and is also at the C&O Hospital.
July 15, 1987
35 Years Ago
Covington Council Agenda Policy Sparks Battle
Heated discussion and accusations dominated a four-hour Covington City Council Meeting Tuesdaynight during which council voted 3-2 to make changes in the public participation at meetings. The changes in the city code will request that those wishing to address council sign up with the city clerk or city manager and do so at least seven days prior to the meeting. Discussion on a topic will also be limited to five minutes unless time is extended by a majority vote of council.
July 15, 2012
10 Years Ago
Campaign Hits Virginia: ‘Mother of Presidents’
The presidential motorcade, the cordon of Secret Service agents, the sight of a president campaigning on a small-town street. Heavy stuff- and new for Virginia during a presidential race. For decades, the commonwealth was one of the 40-something states whose politics were so predictable that they were so predictable that they were virtually ignored during presidential contests. Virginia was a sure-fire Republican state- it hadn’t voted for a Democratic presidential candidate since 1964.