A new resource of local services is now available for Highlands residents.
In 2016, the Alleghany County-Covington Health Department and Virginia Tech partnered to develop the Community Health Assessment (CHA) and distributed the CHA/CHIP survey throughout the Alleghany Highlands.
As the group intensified, it became known as Live Well Alleghany Highlands.
After analyzing the data of over a thousand surveys, this group narrowed down the results to three major focus areas: Early Child-hood Literacy; Substance Use and Knowledge of Resources.
Live Well Alleghany Highlands works to enhance the health and well-being of all who live, work and play in the Alleghany Highlands.
The committee is comprised of individuals representing local governments, non-profits, health care providers, colleges, school districts, faith-based groups, community organizations, businesses and community members.
The Knowledge of Resource group early on identified that there was an intense need to provide a road map of services for the at-risk populations in the Alleghany Highlands.
Several ideas were formed and ultimately the group decided to produce a resource guide.
This guide would serve as an overview of the variety of services offered in the Alleghany Highlands, such as food pantries, social service agencies, mental health services, disability services, youth services, substance abuse services, education and workforce services, services for older adults, as well as many other individualized services.
This guide now exists as a 12-page document that is being distributed around the Alleghany Highlands.
There are some copies available at the Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce and Tourism as well as the YMCA.
In addition, the guide exists virtually for those that need immediate access at: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/content/uploads/sites/79/2020/07/LWAH-Resource-Guide_06.24. 20.pdf .
Along with the guide, Live Well Alleghany Highlands wanted to have a logo designed for their resource guide as well as to represent the group.
A subcommittee was formed and members reach-ed out to Shannon Fogus of Jackson River Technical Center’s marketing class.
Ms. Fogus was happy to assist the committee by having her class design logos.
After reviewing various logos the committee chose student Nicole Gray’s design.
The Knowledge of Resources Action Team members are: Jeremy Brookman of Carilion Clinic, Melinda Clifton of Alleghany Health and Rehab, Terri McClung of Alleghany Highlands Economic Development Corporation and Jenny Wright of Dabney S. Lancaster Community College.
The Knowledge of Resource committee would like to give a special thanks to the following sponsors for round one of printing: Alleghany Health and Rehab, Darlene Burcham, Highlands Community Bank, LewisGale Hospital-Alleghany, and Lone Star Baptist Church.
An additional special thanks to the Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce & Tourism, Shannon Fogus and the 2020 JRTC marketing class and logo designer Nicole Gray.
The first printing and distribution of resource guides are depleting quickly and the committee is seeking donations for the second round of printing.
If interested in donating to this great cause, you may do so by contacting the Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce & Tourism at 540-962-2178.
Comprised of area volunteers, the Live Well Alleghany Highlands team has been working on producing resources for services in the Alleghany Highlands and has recently released a resource guide, listing a variety of services offered to those in need throughout the region. Those who assisted with the production of the resource guide include, front row, from left, Nicole Gray, who designed the guide’s logo and Melinda Clifton. Back row, from left, Terri McClung, Jeremy Brookman and Jenny Wright. (Photo Courtesy Live Well Alleghany Highlands)