Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
October 1923
100 Years Ago
Girls organize
Scout Troop
Girl Scout Troop No. 1 of Covington has been formed with a membership of thirty.
Quite a good deal of interest has been shown in this work, and it is proposed to secure an instructor in Scout work from national Scout headquarters to come here and train young ladies over 21 years of age in the duties of Scout leadership.
Circuit Court Opens Term -Usual Number of Bootleg Cases
With only one felony case on the docket, the regular October term of the Alleghany County Circuit court which convened today, promises to be a very quiet one. There are the usual number of bootleg cases to be disposed of, but these, without exception are to be misdemeanor cases.
October 1948
75 Years Ago
Reavis Announces
Prizes for Coming
Hillbilly Jamboree
Prizes for the forthcoming Alleghany Mountain Hillbilly Jamboree to be held in Covington, October 23, were announced today by Peter A. Reavis, executive vice president of the Covington Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
The gala Hillbilly Jamboree is being held in connection with “Fall Trade Days” for the Covington trading area. The Hillbilly Jamboree, offering prizes for the best Hillbilly band, the best old-time fiddler, and the best vocalist in both professional and amateur brackets will start promptly at 1 p.m. on the steps of the Alleghany County Court House.
October 1973
50 Years Ago
Corps Says Dredging if River Impractical
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers recently sent Assistant City Manager a report stating the corps conclusion that although a “very serious” flood situation exists at Covington, it will be significantly reduced by the completion of the Gathright Dam.
The corps added that besides this it can see no economically feasible way of preventing flooding in certain sections of the city, although construction of storage impoundments on the Dunlap and Potts Creek sheds would help “although there is no assurance such impoundment will ever materialize”
The report also had some suggestions on possible ways of reducing the flood damage at Jackson Street and Parrish Court parks in event of future floods but rejected the clearing or dredging of the river as impractical.
October 1998
25 years ago
Traffic Pattern in
Clifton Forge
Changed at Bridge
Traffic on Ridgeway Street at Clifton Forge’s western city limits is now traveling on two newly constructed lanes.
The road has been closed to single-lane traffic for several months during the initial stage of the bridge construction project. Traffic was to begin following the two-lane pattern around 2 p.m. today.