Construction addressing issues for S. Carpenter Drive and Ashland Avenue. will commence on
Monday, July 20, 2020.
The City has worked with its City Engineer through CHA and VDOT to
develop a maintenance of traffic plan for moving traffic through this area.
A temporary lane will
be constructed for commercial traffic passing through and non-commercial traffic is strongly
encouraged to cross over Rayon Bridge.
Mobilization for the temporary commercial traffic lanes
is actively underway and this portion of construction will take several days to complete.
Once the slope stabilization construction begins on S. Carpenter Drive, the project is estimated to
take up to 7 to 11 weeks depending on weather conditions.
Work will be performed six days a
week from 7AM to 7PM in this area.
After the work is complete on S. Carpenter Ave., the City will also be working to address destabilization of slopes impacting the roadway on Mallow Road and Edgemont Drive over the
next several months.
Updates on the emergency roadwork sites and traffic impacts each may
create will be provided as they become available.
As always, the City encourages residents and businesses that encounter road hazards to report
them to the City’s Emergency Dispatch Center.
Our Communication Officers are available 24
hours a day, seven days a week by calling (540) 965-6333 or emailing
Questions and/or concerns relating to these emergency repairs and traffic impacts can be
directed to City Manager’s office by calling 540-965-6300.