Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
April 1968
The Shadows win local band contest
Covington High School recently sponsored a band contest. The three local bands competing for “best band in the area” were the Shadows, the Cobras and the Mystery Men.
After each band played to the dancing of some 300 C.H.S. students, the winner was chosen by the most applause given after their performance. This method was considered the fairest method of picking the winner.
The Shadows, whose members included Jeff Hicks, Ronnie Batten, “Buzzy” Eggleston, Gary Dilley and Steve Garrett, won the contest and reigned as “best band in the area.”
April 1988
Morgan named Secretary of the Day
Catherine Morgan, CPS, has been named Secretary of the Day by Professional Secretaries International in recognition of Secretary’s Week, April 24-30.
Morgan is a secretary to Carl Day, technical project leader at Westvaco. She lives on Pitzer Ridge with her husband, Paul Morgan, and has three children, Heather Jackson, 16; Benjamin Jackson, 6; and a stepdaughter, Cory Morgan, 6.
April 2008
Iron Gate Playground tentatively set to open on Memorial Day weekend
Iron Gate Town Council was informed Thursday night that a tentative grand opening for the new playground has been set for Memorial Day weekend.
The playground has been closed while undergoing refurbishment with funds provided by the Alleghany Foundation. The town’s recreation committee has also assisted with funding the project.
April 2018
Temple Baptist receives 13th annual Chancellor’s Award
Temple Baptist Church of Covington, through the estate of Ovella Worsham, has received the 13th annual Chancellor’s Award for Leadership in Philanthropy.
The church was nominated for the award by Dabney S. Lancaster Community College.
More than two dozen individuals, families and businesses from around Virginia have earned the 2018 Chancellor’s Award for Leadership in Philanthropy.
The awards were presented at a luncheon ceremony in Richmond on Tuesday, April 17.