The Alleghany Highlands School Board issued commendations and approved the 2023-2024 school division’s operating budget at their regular meeting, Monday evening.
Oliver Distributing was recognized “for their generous help to the school division through the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Superintendent Kim Halterman presented representatives Kristen Patterson and David Oliver with a certificate of appreciation.
Spelling Bee winners and Educators were also recognized, and each was presented with a certificate. The Spellers recognized are as follows: Carter Powell (alternate, JWES); Mariah Skidmore (Callaghan); Will Seldomridge (Champion-JWES); Maun Tucker (MVE); Mehki Peterson (JWES); Quinton Harris (JWES); Abigail Powell (Sharon); Kristen Johnson (CMS); Emily Haynes (Division Champion-CHS); and Ava Gibson and Adrienne Downs, both of CMS.
Educators recognized by the Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce and Tourism are as follows: Heather Terrell (AHPS and AHS); Charles Fornwalt (JRTC); Chrystal Wimmer-Dick (CMS); Tammy Wright (Sharon); Tiffany Gillispie (JWES); Hannah Pillow (MVE); Elizabeth Thompson (Callaghan); and Renee Jones (CHS).
AHSB Chairman Jacob Wright presented former Finance Director Keven Rice with a resolution of recognition and appreciation for his outstanding service to the Alleghany High School and the consolidated Alleghany Highlands Public Schools. Rice retired on Jan. 31 as Director of Finance for the AHPS.
During Public Comments, John Moser and Greg Burton spoke. Moser recommended a Special Education teacher for the school system and Burton thanked the Board, on behalf of local Fire and Rescue personnel for donations to fire and rescue.
After the board heard several informational items, Finance Director Rebecca Irvine presented the 2023-2024 school division’s operating budget. The presented Budget was approved by a unanimous vote in the amount of $47,545,227 and represents an increase of 2.8 %. Irvine explained that a budget revision may be necessary when the state budget is finalized by the General Assembly. The General Assembly adjourned in late February without a final budget. State revenue projections released by the House of Delegates on Feb. 16, 2023, were used to develop the budget presented.
The Board also heard Administrative Reports and Recommendations and approved two policy revisions before adjourning to a closed session.