CLIFTON FORGE — Clifton Forge Town Council will meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. via teleconference.
The public can join the meeting by calling 863-3083 and entering code 114870, followed by the # sign.
Council will reorganize by electing a mayor and a vice mayor.
Action items will include:
— Review and approval of departmental reports.
— Approval of the sale of a surplus fire vehicle and a surplus public works vehicle.
— Approval of CARES Act funding for the 2020-2021 budget.
— A resolution recognizing former Councilman David Oeltjen.
— Extending a welcome to new council member Shorty Wolfe.
— Appointing a council member to the Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce and Tourism board of directors.
— Approval of a resolution related to bond funding for a rehabilitation of Smith Creek Dam.
Under information, council:
— Will receive an update on the Roanoke Valley Regional Commission.
— Discuss the retirement of Bobby Irvine as water treatment plant manager.
— Discuss promotions at the water treatment plant.
— Receive an update on recycling.
Public comments must be submitted in advance by 5 p.m. Tuesday to Town Manager Chuck Unroe.
Comments may be left in a drop box at town hall or emailed to a link on the town website.