DEAR ABBY: I really need some feedback. When I was 13, I would cut myself. I stopped around 15 after an attempted overdose that didn’t work. I did it because my parents were stressed due to money problems and ignored me or yelled at me a lot. I was also bullied in school. I had just moved here, so there was no one to turn to.
Suddenly, in the last week, I have begun binge eating. I see no hope for me graduating, no hope for my life or my future. I wake up wanting to go back to sleep or overdose.
My wrists have throbbed at the thought of wanting to cut again, and last night I had a dream of jumping off a building. All day I have had the same daydream of hitting the ground. I cry randomly for no reason. I have thought of multiple ways to kill myself.
This just started. I can’t see why I can’t be happy. My brother is coming home from Afghanistan. I should be ecstatic.
I plan on talking to a counselor tomorrow because I am not sure how to handle this. I don’t want to get into such a state that I’ll let myself overdose again. Thank you for your time. I just need some guidance on how to handle this. — WAVERING GIRL IN WATERTOWN, N.Y.
DEAR WAVERING GIRL: You are also a smart girl to be reaching out for help. I hope by the time you read this you will have spoken to a counselor about your feelings, because it appears you are suffering from a severe depression, which can impair a person’s judgment. Being bullied at school and worried about graduating would be enough to trigger it. The behaviors you describe mean you need to talk to — and probably be medicated by — a mental health care professional.
If you had given me your phone number, I would have talked with you personally about this — and, with your permission, spoken to your parents about it. Your counselor can help you reach out for the help you need, but if you experience more suicidal impulses, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by calling 800-273-8255.
DEAR ABBY: I work for a small company. Employees here bring in treats to share and leave them in our break area so co-workers can help themselves. One employee, “Karen,” sits at a desk that is very near the lounge, and snaps to attention when anyone walks by with treats in hand. Then she jumps up and follows them into the lounge, where she lingers until the snacks are ready.
She’ll hover over the trays of whatever is being offered while eating “samples.” Then she takes a huge helping and stands nearby while she eats it. She follows that up by taking more back to her desk. It’s annoying to see a plate of cookies or a pan of brownies that were brought to share with everyone gobbled down by one person.
Karen earns a good salary. She certainly has enough money to buy her own food. So, Abby, what’s a good way to tell her to stop? — MISSING MY COOKIES IN ERIE, PA.
DEAR MISSING YOUR COOKIES: Try this. The next time one of you brings a treat to the office, put a sign next to it that reads, “One to a customer, please,” or tell “Miss Piggy” in plain English that she’s taking too much of a good thing.
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Good advice for everyone — teens to seniors — is in “The Anger in All of Us and How to Deal With It.” To order, send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $7 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby, Anger Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Shipping and handling are included in the price.)