Jack and Davis Reid took the stage at the Jackson River Amphitheater on Saturday, August 24. The temperature was perfect and attracted a nice crowd of concertgoers. Jack and Davis are grandsons of members of the Statler brothers and sons of country music duo Wilson Fairchild.
The Reid cousins covered a wide range of music, starting with some Statler hits and ending the show in the same fashion as their grandfathers did with a gospel song. With the chill in the air, Jack decided to perform his rendition of White Christmas.
They state that the Statlers were their greatest influence, so performing them live was a no-brainer, and with a smile on their faces, they said, “If we didn’t, we got grounded and banished from the dinner table.” They also stated that Wilson Fairchild is tied for first as a musical influence who has had the biggest impact on their musical upbringing and love for music, and for being their dads, they are their heroes in life.
Jack started playing music solo about six years ago. Davis was invited to join him to play Christmas music at a local event and they had a blast performing together. Davis soon fell in love with music and entertaining so it was an easy decision from there on out.