Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
100 Years Ago
February, 1924
V.A. Woman Takes Speaker’s Chair: “Lady From Buchanan” is First of Her Sex to Wield Gavel
The house yesterday went industrious about its now daily business of smashing records and establishing world precedents. For the first time in history —or so it was said— a woman presided over a major law-making body on Saturday.
Mrs. Helen T. Henderson, of Buchanan County, is the woman who joined Lady Astor, also of Virginia, among the select company whose names will live in history because they are followed by —”The first woman ever to” —
Mrs. Henderson was called to the chair by Speaker Brewer, who occasionally is relieved by other members of the House. The House rose as a body and greeted the new order of things.
75 Years Ago
February, 1949
Low Moor Church to Dedicate Organ at Sunday Service
The Low Moor Presbyterian Church will dedicate the Hammond electric organ, a recent gift of the community and other friends of the church, at the evening service Sunday, February 27, at 7:30.
The Rev. E.G. Smith, of Salem will conduct the service and deliver the dedicatory sermon.
The Central Glee Club, accompanied and directed by Miss Mary Helen Wolfe, of Covington, will present the following numbers: “God of Our Fathers” and “Fairest Lord Jesus.”
Dan Nicely, from Iron Gate, will sing as the offertory, “The Lord’s Prayer” by Mallote.
50 Years Ago
February, 1974
Construction Suspended on New Boiling Springs School
It was voted unanimously Tuesday night by the Alleghany County School Board to temporarily suspend further action in connection with the construction of the new Boiling Spring Elementary School and to start a pilot kindergarten program next September at Falling Spring Elementary School.
Benjamin W. Letson, superintendent of Alleghany County Schools, presented both recommendations to the board. All five board members agreed to each of them.
The board agreed to suspend further action on the Boiling Springs School until after they have met with the Alleghany County Board of Supervisors on a date not yet specified. The meeting was requested by the school board and is intended by the school board to open to the press and public, Letson noted. He said bids on the school were to have been let next month, but this will now be postponed until after the joint meeting.
25 Years Ago
February, 1999
AHS Seniors Lead by Example
They are leaders —sometimes more by example than words — but make no mistake they are leaders.
There’s the sharp-shooter who can burn you with the three, the two inside forces who are required to do the dirty work, and last but certainly not least, the kid from out of town who burst upon the scene a year ago.
Kevin Perry, Graham Clark, Shannon Johnson and Shawn Moss compose the senior basketball class at Alleghany High School.
Outspoken? No. Leaders? Yes.
The four have been key cogs in a 17-4 regular season and a second-place finish in the Blue Ridge District, but after speaking to them before a morning practice on Saturday, one has to feel like they are far from finished.