The Transportation Subcommittee met to discuss issues regarding transportation issues, including bus routes and the procurement of buses.
Bus Routes
The subcommittee included the directors of transportation for both Covington City and Alleghany County Public Schools. In order to determine the most efficient bu s routes, it was agreed that a transportation study of the area should be conducted. Both transportation directors were polled to see what, if any company they utilized for transportation data. It was found that Alleghany County Public Schools uses Transfi nder to track transportation data. Covington City Schools currently does not utilize any outside source to track transportation.
Procurement of Buses
The subcommittee members discussed current practices utilized by both school divisions in relation to the procurement and maintenance of buses.
Alleghany County currently purchases buses on a regular schedule and conducts maintenance at the bus garage. Covington City Schools has recently begun leasing buses, which they have found to be more cost effective than purchasing outright. It was discussed that a jointly operated school system
should consider utilizing the lease method in order to realize additional cost savings.
Bus Routes
The Transportation Subcommittee unanimously recommends that a transportation study be conducted by Transfinder. This will allow for an in depth study of what the most cost effective routes for running buses throughout a consolidated school division would be. The legal team has been in contact with Transfinder to begin the process of conducting the transportation study.
Procurement of Buses
No recommendations were formally made regarding the procurement of buses at this time, as this is a decision that would lie in the hands of the
school board of a jointly operated school division.