Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
100 Years Ago
November, 1923
Local Talent to Present Follies: One Hundred of Younger Set Will Take Part in Show on November 23
The “Follies of ‘23,” a musical play in three acts, is now in rehearsal by the young people of the town under the auspicies of the ladies of the Episcopal church and will be presented at the Strand Theater on Friday night, November 23. The first act is performed by the younger set consisting of motion songs and special features and dances. The second act is the play “The Fatal Cup,” a melodrama said to be very fine. The third act is an operatic minstrel revue with four end men and a circle of young ladies and men in white face. W.A. Baker of the Baker Production Company is in personal charge of the rehearsals.
Many will remember the brilliant production of Powhatan the Indian opera several years ago under the direction of Mr. Baker. About 100 will appear in the production.
75 Years Ago
November, 1948
Christmas Lights Will be Lighted on November 26
Christmas lights will be turned on at 7:00 p.m., November 26, the day after Thanksgiving, Harold Hodges, president of the Retail Merchants Association, said today.
He said the association was planning an extension of the yearly event this Christmas and had decided to extend the strings of colored bulbs up Maple Avenue to Dickey Street, and up Court Street to Locust Street. Thus instead of two blocks on Main Street, five downtown Covington blocks will be lighted.
Another new feature this year will be illuminated plaques, showing Christmas scenes, which will be hung from all the lamp posts on Main Street.
Mr. Hodges said the actual work involved in putting up the lights would be done by the members of the Retail Merchants Association themselves.
50 Years Ago
November, 1973
Cougars Go Jug Hunting Tonight
With a helping hand from the weatherman, the Covington Cougars hope to be the owner of the Little Brown Jug at about 10 o’clock this evening.
The Cougars “go down the river” to Memorial Park to battle the Clifton Forge Mountaineers tonight in a game that is always full of nostalgia. The two arch-rivals are playing for the 36th time for the coveted jug with CHS holding a 28-7 lead in the first 35 jug battles.
Despite the 28-7 lead, the jug is at this moment in the Clifton Forge High School trophy case and the Mounties don’t expect to change the green and gold ribbons this year.
Kickoff time is the usual— 8 p.m. and extra seats have been added at Memorial Park to aid the expected overflow crowd. The parking situation at Memorial Park isn’t the best and area fans are urged to depart Covington well in advance of kickoff time to assure a good parking place and a good view of the game.
The game will likely be greeted by some of the coldest weather of the fall. Coach Boodie Albert had earlier said CHS would prefer a nice, mild evening, but the cold night isn’t expected to really hamper the play of either team.
10 Years Ago
November, 2013
GAUF Unveils New Website
The Greater Alleghany United Fund is kicking off its 2014 fundraising campaign with a new look and website.
The site was created by local resident and GAUF supporter Josh Ginger. Josh graduated from Alleghany High School in 2007. Since then he has obtained a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Bluefield State College.
During his senior year, Josh saw the need and offered to create the website as he finished his degree. Now he is helping the Board of Directors to post updates and edit the page as needed. It is still a work in progress, but the public is invited to check out the new site at