Dear Editor,
Funding for the restoration and maintenance of the historic Green Pastures/Longdale recreation area in Virginia’s Alleghany County was allocated as part of Governor Northam’s Historic Justice initiative in January.
Now, that two-year, half-million-dollar funding is in jeopardy of being cut as the state budget adapts to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Without your help, we stand to lose this historic place, built by the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Depression, where generations of black citizens from around Virginia and West Virginia could safely gather for outdoor recreation.
For years, volunteers have maintained this unique and beautiful place.
If we can save the funding in August, the park will become state-maintained as a satellite of Douthat State Park.
Please contact your state senator and representative and ask that they advocate to save Green Pastures. It is a monument to black lives and history throughout our region, and it deserves to remain.
• Senator Creigh Deeds:;
• Delegate Terry Austin:;
• Governor Ralph Northam:; or alena.
Joan Vannorsdall
Friends of Green Pastures Clifton Forge
Dear Editor,
The 2020 presidential election will be one of the most significant in America’s history.
The powers that be seem to want to rewrite the constitution and cancel out all that America has been for over 250 years.
There have been great positive strides in our history, as well as policies and laws that have needed changed or abolished.
Changes can still be made to better the lives of Americans. Our nation is still a work in progress as we human beings are. We are a Republic and don’t need a global government to tell us how to live and work
Voting is a privilege. Since I am neither Republican nor Democrat, I vote for the person I believe is best qualified to run our country, our Republic.
The silent majority, whoever they are, truly need to step up and cast their vote this November. The future of your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren depends on you and your vote.
Please investigate what the politicians are saying to see whether they are going to grow larger government, tax the middle class more, regulate free speech, get richer and gain more power over the people. Don’t just take a politician’s word at face value for anything.
Some think socialism will be great and everything is free. Remember, someone still has to pay. Will it be you and your family paying and suffering for generations?
Look at the socialist countries such as Venezuela to see how the government has power and money. The people thought free would be so good. Their economy has crashed and their currency has no value.
The people are the ones that suffer, not the military nor the politicians nor the government. One household put a wheel barrel full of currency outside their home for anyone to take. They took the wheel barrel and left the currency.
Even though people in certain states are getting persecuted or fired for voicing their opinion, one can still vote in private and make a difference. We’ve lost so many of our freedoms, including free speech. Please remember “apathy is the greatest ally of evil.”
Gwen Vess Whitmore
Cherokee Trail Covington