Dear Editor:
The fourth Town Hall is scheduled for October 9th at the Hot Springs Rescue Squad, located on Main Street, Hot Springs. The meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. and includes an agenda of items, including the proposed apartment dwellings intended for the EDA-controlled real estate in Millboro. Mr. Jom Cherney, who is proposing the project, will be attending; providing an overview of the project and addressing questions from the audience. Please review the full agenda which includes questions to date, addressed to Mr. Cherney. If you have questions that are not included in the agenda please forward to my attention so that your concerns are addressed.
Also at the Town Hall we will introduce the candidates for the Board of Supervisors (BOS) and other offices. To the candidates for BOS, questions regarding balancing and prioritizing the annual will be addressed should they be elected. In addition, questions regarding the role of local government in ensuring individual liberties, educational oversight and how to communicate your intentions/deliberations to the community. will be asked. Specific questions you have can be forwarded to me for inclusion in the question period.
What is a constitutional county, its role in assuring the unalienable rights of citizens, and how it works will be discussed to close the evening.
Hope to see you all at the Rescue Center on October 9th, 6:00 p.m. Again, a detailed first revision of the agenda to date will be emailed to each individual on the email distribution list Friday.
Best Regards,
Alan Seacord
Bath County