Covington City Council will convene tonight at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and pursuant to Chapter 1283 of the 2020 Acts of Assembly.
The first meeting to be conducted is the reorganizational meeting of city council and to elect a mayor and vice mayor.
Immediately following the reorganizational meeting, council will conduct its January work session.
The following items will be on the work session agenda:
— To appoint a representative to the Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEO);
— City Manager’s report;
— Unfinished/Old Business;
— Items to be considered for the Tuesday, Jan. 12, agenda: Appropriation Resolution R-21-01 regarding DARE contributions to the Covington Police Department in the amount of $250, Appropriation Resolution R-21-02 regarding Shop with a Cop contributions to the Covington Police Department in the amount of $2,000, Appropriation Resolution R-21-03 regarding CARES Fund-COVID-19 Utility Customer Relief in the amount of $21,747.76, Proposed Resolution R-21-04 regarding amending the city budget at fund level as opposed to function level, Proposed Resolution R-21-05 regarding amending the resolution authorizing the consolidation of Alleghany County and City of Covington School Districts, Proposed Ordinance O-21-01 regarding amendment No. 2 to the Workforce Investment Area III Chief Local Officials (CLEO) Charter Agreement, Discussion of recycling program and upcoming community survey on recycling, Discussion on Durant Road emergency repair using existing line of credit;
— New Business.
Following the conclusion of the January work session, city council will then meet in closed session pursuant to Code of Virginia, 2.2-3711 (A) (8) for consultation with legal counsel related to specific legal matters related to potential city liability and pursuant to the Code of Virginia 2.2-3711 (A) (3) for a discussion regarding the acquisition of real property for a public purpose where discussion in public would adversely affect the bargaining position of the city.