COVINGTON, Va. (VR) – Council for the city of Covington filled two vacant seats on the Economic Development Corporation and heard comments from City Manager Allen Dressler at the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday.
Council unanimously appointed Tammy Scruggs-Duncan and Gina Taylor to fill the seats on the EDC, vacated by the resignations of Lisa Schoppmeyer and Bill Withrow.
In other business, Council also unanimously approved resolutions: R-23-13-Personal Property Tax Relief Allocation Percentage and R-23-14-Emergency Services Grant (Office of Emergency Medical Services) with Virginia Department of Health (no city match).
During manager’s comments, Dressler updated Council on the stadium seat project and Maple Avenue improvements and advised that an operating budget would be ready for presentation by May 1.
Dressler closed his comments by thanking the community for supporting the Alleghany County Sheriff’s Office, city of Covington Police Department, and the Virginia State Troopers annual bike rodeo and a salute to Police Chief Chris Smith and his department as “They have risen to the challenge since I’ve been in this position”.