Dear Editor,
The Alleghany County Voter Registration Office was closed down on the morning of Wednesday, Oct. 28, due to a positive case of COVID-19 in our office.
I want to take this time to thank those who stepped up in my time of need and let them know that their support and contributions in whatever manner did not go unnoticed.
Thank you to Jack Cannon, Alleghany County Electoral Board chairman, who stepped up and took over and to those individuals who played a vital part in our successful election: Krystal Onaitis, Covington city manager, for allowing Alleghany County Voter Registration to relocate to their Jeter Watson Center to continue “In Person Early Voting;” Dave and Casey Thompson of Highland Computers, who took the time out of their busy schedule to get everything set up and running in record time; Mike Hendrickson, Alleghany County Maintenance and Public Works manager, and his employees who moved all of our equipment and took care of other maintenance duties along the way; Scott Peterson, our technician, for his assistance and Anita Proffitt and Frank Persinger Sr., Electoral Board vice chair and secretary, who assisted with the election processes; Betty Leitch and Kyla Crosier, Covington registrar and assistant, who assisted with the election officials when they had questions or concerns.
Also, the following election officials who stepped up and took over so the “In Person Early Voting” could continue: Andrew Dreszer, Greg Brelsford, Tonja Gardiner, Michele and Hubert Newton, Jr., Rose Wright and O.L. “Buzzy” Eggleston.
Also, a big thank you to the Covington Post Office’s Post Mistress Carolyn and her awesome crew for taking care of the mail process and going above and beyond their call of duty; Big Al and Highway 64 and the Alleghany Journal for announcing and posting the information on our behalf.
I greatly appreciate each and every one who played a vital part in the success of the election process. Thank you!
Tiney K. Rose
Director of Elections and General Registrar Allleghany County
Rosedale Ave., Ste. D, Covington