Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
October 12, 1923
99 Years Ago
6 People Dead From Drinking Moonshine
Six persons are dead and a score perhaps fatally ill at local hospitals as the result of drinking poison moonshine whisky, according to the police. The blame for the six deaths was placed on moonshine by a county jury following the deaths. The six drank the same supply of liquor, according to the evidence presented to the jury investigating the deaths. The liquor was found to contain a great amount of fusel oil.
October 12, 1937
85 Years Ago
Road Project To Old Sweet Still On Map
Covington’s Chamber of Commerce has been advised by the State Highway Commissioner Shirley that the highway department is not to abandon the entire project on Rt. 311, Crows to Old Sweet, as first planned, but only that section of it covered by what it regards as excessive awards. This section which the commission proposes to skip covers about a mile of the road between Earlhurst and Sweet Chalybeate and will leave a very bad gap on this important highway.
October 12, 1962
60 Years Ago
Clifton Forge City Officials Ask Council For Salary Raises
At a special meeting of the Clifton Forge Town Council held Thursday night city officers seeking pay increases for themselves and their assistants were told by council to submit the request to the State Compensation Board before October 15.
October 12, 1987
35 Years Ago
No Action Taken On Humane Society
Clifton Forge City Council heard a plea Monday night from Alleghany Humane Society to shore governmental funding with other localities to reopen the animal shelter and keep it afloat. Sandra Nicely, vice president of the Humane Society, asked the city for an allocation of $1,997 to comprise Clifton Forge’s share of the total.
October 12, 2012
10 Years Ago
Giant Eyeball
The photo below was made available by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission shows a giant eyeball from a mysterious sea creature that washed ashore and was found by a man walking the beach in Pompano Beach, Fla. on Wednesday. The eyeball will be sent to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida.