Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
July 13, 1923
99 Years Ago
Brings Suit In Unique Case
Anna Felor promised to marry Stephen Zambric; that was four years ago. Zambrick still is ready to wed Anna. Wednesday he filed a unique breach-of-contract suit in the Lake circuit court at5 Crown Point. When in 1919 Anna gave her promise, Steve bought his wedding toggery and Anna’s; he spent $2,000 preparing for the wedding; today, he says, it is useless. For four years Anna kept Steven “on the string,” and he turned over his earnings, $150 to $200 a month, to his fiancee, he says, and she has $6,000 that belongs to him. February 3 Ann broke the sad news. According to Steve, she said she had decided to be the wife of another man, one with money, who six months after the wedding would settle a large sum of money on her, when she would repay Steve. The latter refuses to wait six months. Hence the suit.
July 13, 1937
85 Years Ago
Matter Of Sidewalks And Alleys Referred By Clifton Forge Council To Committee
Numerous petitions regarding alley improvements and sidewalk construction occupied the members of the Clifton Forge City Council at their meeting in the city hall last nite. No definite action was taken on the requests, all of which were referred to the street committee for future recommendations.
July 13, 1962
60 Years Ago
C&O Denies Rail Cuts To Slow Covington Mill
The Chesapeake & Ohio Railway today denied that its proposed elimination of Trains 6 and 5-47 would effect Covington postal service. Other arrangements have been made with postal authorities in Washington, A.J. Sicnols, public relations manager for the Eastern region of the Chesapeake and Ohio, said.
July 13, 1987
35 Years Ago
Stolen Truck Recovered
The Alleghany County Sheriff’s Department has recovered a contracting company’s truck which was stolen from a work site on Route 4 in Covington, sometime Wednesday night or early Thursday morning. According to Sheriff Leon P. Smith, recovered was a Ford tractor and brush belonging to the Richmond-based firm of Slurry Paving Company. The vehicle, valued at approximately $5,000 was found Saturday in the Route 4, Potts Creek area.
July 13, 2012
10 Years Ago
Voter Registration Gone To The Dogs
In photo below, Brenda Charlston holds a photo of her long-deceased dog, Rosie, and a voter registration form for “Rosie Charlston” that arrived in the mail for the canine last month in Seattle. Rosie was a black lab who died in 1998. A left-leaning group called the Voter Participation Center has touted the Democratic voting blocs such as unmarried women, blacks, Latinos and young adults. But residents and election administrators around the country have also reported a series of bizarre and questionable mailings addressed to animals, dead people and people already registered to vote.