With a backdrop of the red, white, and blue patriotic Christmas tree at the Depot, two friends from the Class of 1970 Covington High School met to present a long-waited-for quilt. The Depot leaves the tree up year-round to honor and remember our veterans.
This quilt, which was made by our current auxiliary president, Brenda Martin, was a fund-raising project sponsored by VFW Post 1033 auxiliary held in 2018. Over 300 tickets sold, and Jean Wade sold the winning ticket to her high school friend, Donna Gil. Donna lives in San Antonio, Texas so pickup wasn’t so easy with Covid and other family matters happening in her life.
The story began when Jean Wade posted the raffle on her Facebook page and Donna saw it. They had not seen each other in over 40 years. On a trip Donna made to Covington, they ran into each other at the post office and Jean sold the winning ticket to her friend. What is the chance of that?
All profits from our fundraisers go to help us support our local veterans including area veteran hospitals. VFW Post 1033 auxiliary would like to say “thank you” to all our Alleghany Highland supporters for all their help in making our projects successful.
Donna will gift the quilt to her sister, Col. Teresa G Turner, USAF-Retired. Turner retired after 30 years as a Full Bird Colonel. Thank you for all those years you served our country. God bless America and you, Col Turner.