Dear Editor,
Majors George and Robin Hackbarth would like to thank everybody who helped the Salvation Army this past Christmas season with our Angel Tree program and Red Kettle fundraising efforts.
Christmas is a time for joy, happiness and giving. You brought all those things to the families and children through your participation in our Christmas program.
With your help, the Salvation Army was able to assist many families who otherwise may not have had a Merry Christmas.
•221 children were provided toys and clothing;
•125 families were provided food;
•522 nursing home patients were provided gifts
•969 total persons were served this Christmas season;
•308 volunteers gave 847 volunteer hours in service.
The Salvation Army located in Covington has a large area to cover. We provide assistance to people in Alleghany/Bath/Rockbridge/Craig/Boutetourt counties, Buena Vista, city of Covington and the city of Lexington.
Not only do we provide toys, clothing and food at Christmas time, we help also assist families with emergency financial assistance, food and clothing through out the year.
Your donation in the Red Kettle helps us with these daily needs. All funds collected in our kettles and through our mail appeals stay right here in our community.
Please know that you are appreciated. Know that your work helped light up the face of a child as they opened those gifts on Christmas morning and that you helped countless parents, grandparents and guard-ians who may have otherwise not been able to provide gifts.
May the Lord continue to bless you as you have blessed others through your work this past Christmas season. I look forward to working with you again next year.
Majs. George and Robin
Salvation Army