Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
December 28, 1923
99 Years Ago
Middleton Out Under $500 Bond
Fred F. Middleton, Covington barber, who was held with his brother. J.J. Middleton, of Pennsylvania in connection with an automobile accident which occured near Staunton several days ago, has returned to his home here, having been released on bail of $500. J.J. Middleton, who was driving the machine in which the two brothers were riding, was released on bail of $1,000 for a preliminary hearing in Staunton on January 14.
December 28, 1957
65 Years Ago
11 Bodies Taken From Amonate Mine
Rescue workers today recovered the bodies of 11 miners killed late yesterday when a gas explosion trapped 25 men below ground in a mine straddling the Virginia-West Virginia border. Fourteen miners were brought out of the colliery uninjured shortly after midnight.
December 28, 1982
40 Years Ago
Drug Search At Vepco
A Virginia Electric & Power Co. spokesman says the utility “is not setting a precedent” by its use of a narcotics dog for a search of employees at its Bath County hydroelectric plant. Employees at Vepco projects are subject to periodic searches by the company’s security force. No arrests were made during the random check of the first shift Monday.
December 28, 2002
20 Years Ago
Pentagon Orders Military Personnel To Persian Gulf
The Pentagon has ordered a major military force to the Persian Gulf in preparation for a possible war with Iraq. The Bush administration waited until after the holiday to issue the orders, which alert units across the United States and possibly overseas to prepare for deployment to the Persian Gulf, officials said.
December 28, 2007
15 Years Ago
Bath County Sheriff Reflects on 30-Year Career
After 30 years in law enforcement, the days are dwindling for Bath County Sheriff C.T. Black. Black, 53, who served three terms as the sheriff in Bath County but chose not to seek a fourth in the November election, is leaving office Monday. His successor, Larry Norfleet, takes office on January 1. “I want to thank two former sheriffs who helped me with my career in law enforcement – Frank Pritt and Jimmy Bryan, ” Sheriff Black said. “I’d also like to commend all the folks I’ve worked with at the local, state and federal levels of government.