Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
December 14, 1923
99 Years Ago
Officers Find Dozen Guests At Kelly Home
Mrs. W. M. Kelly, whose husband is now serving a 90-day term on the roads for selling whisky, and Emmet Javins were arrested following a raid on the Kelly home on Wilson’s Creek, about three miles east of Clifton Gorge, early today by county, state and federal officers. Mrs. Kelly and Javins are charged with illegal possession of liquor, and Javins also is charged with obstructing officers. About a dozen residents of Clifton Forge and neighbors of the Kellys are said to have been in the home when the officers raided it about 9 o’clock this morning.
December 14, 1957
65 Years Ago
Iranian Quake Takes Huge Toll
A heavy earthquake shook west Iran today and unofficial accounts reaching Tehran said at least 350 persons perished and thousands were injured. Tehran radio said the towns of Shaneh and Farsinak were badly damaged and that most villages in that area were ruined.
December 14, 1982
40 Years Ago
Robbers Take $5.3 Million
The robbery of at least $5.3 million from an armored car company by two masked men who left $20 million and a scrawled taunt behind may have been an “inside job,” police say. The loot was stolen Sunday, including $1 million in weekend receipts from Yonkers Raceway, having been picked up by Sentry over the weekend from several clients.
December 14, 2002
20 Years Ago
Warner Looking Local To Supplement DMV Services
Gov. Mark R. Warner said Thursday he would attempt to ease long lines at Department of Motor Vehicle offices by contracting some services to local officials and adding “self-service” computer terminals at DMV offices. Lines at the DMV have worsened since October, when 12 customer-service centers were closed to help bridge Virginia’s $2 billion budget shortfall.
December 14, 2007
15 Years Ago
American Legion Post 4 New Officers
American Legion Post 4 recently installed new officers for 2007-08. In photo below, front from left, are Berkley Mays, chaplain; Randolph Dolin, assistant chaplain; George Taylor, commander; Robert White, member; and Raymound Smith, second vice-commander. In back are James Wallace, life member; Archie Crawford, adjutant and finance officer; Bill Gurd, first vice-commander; and Melvin Whiteside, sergeant-at-arms. Not pictured is Buzzy Hoke, service officer. Taylor has been commander of Post 4 since 1986.