Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
October 26, 1923
99 Years Ago
Two Are Dead In Pistol Duel
LEAGUE, Tex.,- The story of a fatal revolver battle between two ranchers, rivaling the famous duels of history, was brought to Sheriff Terry today. According to the sheriff, Norwood Huckaby and Charles Williams met at a ranch and agreed to fight it out over a long grudge. The men locked hands and opened fire, both dropping. Every bullet in both guns was fired. Cowboys heard the firing and rushed to the scene and found both men dead.
October 26, 1937
85 Years Ago
Review Held Of Nash Automotive
The world’s first automobile utilizing a condition air system for winter driving was previewed in Roanoke recently by Mr. H.L. Lockhart, local dealer in Nash automobiles. In addition to viewing the new Nash cars for 1938, Mr. Lockhart heard in detail Nash Motors’ merchandising plan for the coming model year.
October 26, 1962
60 Years Ago
Lodge Holds Ladies Night
Members of Covington Lodge No. 171 A.F. & A.M. and their guests were pictorially transported into Egypt and the Holy Land Thursday Evening. The Rev. A. Irvin Orndorff, minister of the Central Methodist Church at Clifton Forge, presented and explained colored slides of pictures of historical places he had personally visited abroad.
October 26, 1987
35 Years Ago
Traffic Lights Working At Shopping Center
Employees of the Virginia Department of Transportation programmed the traffic lights at Craig Avenue and Lexington Avenue at the shopping center, which includes Wendy’s, Aides, Food Lion and Revco. The lights were placed into operation Thursday.
October 26, 2012
10 Years Ago
Retirement Reception
Retiring Virginian Review Staff Writer Buck Rumpf,(left in photo below) was honored by Iron Gate Town Council Thursday night. Rumpf holds a key to the town and a cake with assistance from Iron Gate Mayor Alan Williams. The cake read “Good Luck on your Retirement.” A reception honoring Rumpf was held after Thursday evening’s regular council meeting.