Dear Editor,
There is a Spring Life Chain event upcoming on Sunday, April 6. It will be held on the sidewalks at the traffic light at Walmart in Covington, from 1:30 to about 2:45 p.m.
The Life Chain is not a political event. It has to do with proclaiming the truth about unborn life and abortion. Each participant selects an 18” x 24” sign that describes some aspect of the right to life, then holds their sign while on a sidewalk safely away from traffic, standing or sitting in a chair. Participants silently pray, asking God to soften the hearts of passing motorists. Motorists are exposed to truths not heard on the radio or seen on television.
And as with any change of heart, man delivers the message, God changes the heart.
Many Life Chains have been held over the past 20-plus years in Covington. Over 700 Alleghany/Covington babies have been lost to surgical abortion in the last 25 years, with many more being lost to the do-it-yourself, DIY, abortion pill cocktail taken in the confines of one’s home. Abortion is still legal in Virginia.
Please consider joining us on April 6. April 13 is the rain date. All are invited, so bring your friends and family. Call John Stec at 862-1917 for any questions or additional details. May God bless all Life Chainers for their public witness.
John Stec