It was a busy and productive week in Washington as House Republicans advanced a budget resolution to help deliver on President Trump’s America First agenda and put our country back on the right track. I also stood alongside my DOGE Caucus colleagues to highlight our work to root out wasteful government spending and hold Washington accountable. Additionally, the House passed legislation that pushes back against yet another Biden Administration regulation that dictates which appliances Americans can have in their homes. As always, it was great to meet with several great organizations working to preserve the beauty and history of Virginia’s Sixth District. Rest assured, I’ll continue fighting for the folks in our part of Virginia.
Taking The First Step Toward Restoring Fiscal Sanity
Last week, House Republicans passed a budget resolution that lays the foundation to advance President Trump’s America First agenda and get our country back on the right fiscal track. The budget resolution is simply the first step in what’s known as the reconciliation process, which allows Congress to move forward with a comprehensive bill that meets specific fiscal goals. In short, the resolution serves as a blueprint that directs House and Senate committees to craft legislation that delivers real results for the American people, results that cut wasteful spending, protect taxpayer dollars, and restore fiscal responsibility. It was not a vote on an actual budget, and it does not contain line-by-line spending items or cuts to specific programs.
This framework helps cut taxes for hardworking families and small businesses, support law enforcement at our southern border, bolster our military, unleash American energy dominance, and right-size Washington’s wasteful, oversized bureaucracy. It’s all part of keeping our promise to put America First and get government working for the people.
President Trump asked for a comprehensive bill to deliver the full America First agenda, and House Republicans are doing our job to make that a reality. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to adopt this budget blueprint so we can move forward with the reconciliation process and pass a budget that puts families, small businesses, and American values first. I joined Mornings with Maria on Fox Business to discuss the passage of the House budget resolution and other important issues facing our Nation.
Fighting Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in Washington
Reckless government spending has fueled inflation, wasted taxpayer dollars, and left families and small businesses footing the bill. That’s why I’m working to restore fiscal responsibility and ensure your hard-earned money is spent wisely. As a member of the DOGE Caucus, I’m working with this Administration and my colleagues to hold Washington accountable and cut waste, fraud, and abuse in government programs. Last week, I stood with several of my DOGE Caucus colleagues to highlight our strong commitment to tackling Washington’s spending problem and making sure taxpayer dollars are spent responsibly.
One way to cut waste in a federal program is through my bill, the No Welfare for the Wealthy Act, which I recently reintroduced. This commonsense legislation closes a loophole that has allowed millionaires to exploit SNAP benefits, a program meant to help those truly in need. Right now, the broad-based categorical eligibility loophole allows states to bypass income and asset checks, costing taxpayers $11 billion a year. That’s money coming straight out of your pockets. My bill ensures these benefits go to those who actually qualify, not those who seek to take advantage of the system. Rest assured, I’ll keep fighting to rein in waste, protect your tax dollars, and demand fiscal responsibility in Washington.
Protecting Consumer Choice from Biden’s Radical Energy Agenda
In 1975, Congress passed the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) to boost energy production, promote efficiency, and strengthen national energy security. The Department of Energy (DOE) was tasked with setting efficiency standards, but they were meant to be realistic and cost-effective for American families.
President Biden’s DOE ignored that mandate, using its authority to push a radical Green New Deal agenda. In December 2024, the DOE finalized a rule that effectively bans certain gas-fired water heaters, driving up costs and limiting options for families, seniors, and small businesses. This is part of Biden’s broader effort to eliminate natural gas appliances, from stoves to dishwashers, forcing costly, less reliable electric alternatives on Americans.
That’s why last week, I supported H.J. Res. 20 to block this overreaching rule and ensure that consumer choice, not Washington bureaucrats, determines what appliances you can use in your home. I’ll keep fighting to rein in Biden’s overreach and protect American families from costly, unnecessary regulations. Watch my remarks on the House floor in support of the resolution here.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Congressman. If my office can ever be of assistance, please contact my Washington office at (202) 225-5431.
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