On Tuesday evening, January 9, the Clifton Forge Town Council held their regularly scheduled monthly meeting in Town Hall. During the meeting, several issues were discussed including the swearing-in of Scott Balser, the resignation of town attorney Jared Jenkins, the process of hiring a new town attorney, and new town business.
Following the pledge and prayer, it was time to get down to regular business. The first thing on the docket was to discuss the swearing-in of the new Chief of Police, Barry “Scott” Balser. Balser follows in his dad’s footsteps Barry Balser Sr. who served over two decades as police chief but has since retired.
Due to several illnesses, including that of Balser’s mother, the swearing-in ceremony for Chief of Police, Barry Balser was postponed. It is now set for the next regularly scheduled Clifton Forge Town Council meeting on February 13.
The next thing on the docket was a presentation made by Executive Director Jeremy Holmes with the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission. Holmes began by giving a summary of what the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission does for communities.
“We are created by code to help our member localities address issues greater than regional significance. So it’s any big challenge or opportunity that you and your neighbors are all addressing,” Holmes said. “So, our job is to help convene folks but also serve as a bridge between you and state and federal agencies, identify funding opportunities, and do some of the big regional plans and projects that hopefully create opportunities for efficient program deliveries, save taxpayers money, save you and your businesses money, and help lift the whole region.”
Holmes went on to discuss the current projects that the commission is involved in, future projects, and councilwoman Debbie Laudermilk’s involvement with the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission. Holmes also addressed the commission’s concern with the opioid crisis and their plans to help tackle the issue, which included funding programs to help addicts.
Following the presentation, Mayor Jeff Irvine addressed the issue of former town attorney Jared Jenkins, though Jenkins was not present at the meeting. Irvine recapped the December 31st called meeting in which members of the Clifton Forge Town Council met to discuss the legal issues facing Jenkins and his upcoming hearing with the Virginia State Bar on the 17th and 18th of this month. Unanimously, council members voted to put Jenkins on administrative leave pending the outcome of the hearing. “About two hours later,” Mayor Irvine said, “Jenkins contacted us with his resignation.”
As readers may already be aware, allegations of misconduct have been brought against Jared Jenkins which have led to his hearing with the Virginia State Bar. The Virginian Review will be sending a reporter to his hearing in Rockbridge and will follow up with the results of that hearing as they become available.
Additional Business included:
— Approval of minutes from the December 12 meeting: passed unanimously
— Approval of minutes from the December 31 called meeting: passed unanimously
— Approval of department reports (code enforcement, police department, public works, library, water plant, and fire department: passed unanimously
— Approval of the resignation of Jared Jenkins: passed unanimously
— Discussion of the process of hiring a new town attorney