The First Baptist Church, Clifton Forge, celebrated its 145th anniversary, Sunday, November 12, with Rev. Ronzo B. Lee, pastor, Ebenezer Baptist Church, Goochland, VA, delivering the anniversary message: Celebrating the Journey; Thanking God for the Past/Pressing Forward to the Future. Lee’s choir, musicians, ushers, and many of his congregation traveled with him.
Lee received his call to ministry at 12 years old and preached his initial sermon at FBC at the age of 16. He was licensed to preach in 1979 and was ordained into the Gospel Ministry in 1990.
Lee was educated in Huntington, WV, Covington High School, graduating from Clifton High School in the top 5% of the class of 1979 and began college at 17. He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree at the Virginia Commonwealth University; a B.S. and a master’s degree from VCU and completed four units in Clinical Pastoral Education from VCU’s Medical College of Va. He completed his theological education at the Samuel Dewitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University, Richmond, earning the Master of Divinity, magna cum laude. He is currently a doctoral candidate.
Lee has been married to the former Velva N. Moses of Huntington, WV for more than 30 years. They are the grateful and proud parents of three adult children: Brianna, Ronzo II, and Naija and reside in Chesterfield, VA.
Also, on program were: Peggy Hamm, Mt. Beulah Baptist Church, Glen Wilton, who served as worship leader; Rev. Dr. Ronald Baker, pastor, Main Street Baptist Church, delivered the invocation; Francine Byrd, welcomed the guests; Deacon Freddie Dawson, MSBC; shared an Old Testament Reading; Deacon Milton Helton, Pine Street Baptist Church, Covington, shared a New Testament reading; Deacon Leonard Tinsley, chairman, FBC, delivered the Anniversary Prayer; Deaconess Rosa Gray, EBC, delivered the offertory prayer; and Lady Velva Lee, introduced her husband
and the anniversary speaker, Lee.
Prior to the service a meal was served, catered by Washington’s Wood Smoked and Debbie Heighter. Newly ordained Associate Pastor Pamela Marshall and Deaconess Patricia Davis-Ross served as co-chairs of the Anniversary Committee. The other committee members included Jenny Hatcher, Chair, Hospitality Committee; Deacon Jackie Davis-Pierce; Francine Byrd, and Gina Smith. Ettrula Moore, Superintendent of Sunday School and Church Historian provided a condensed church history of the last 145 years.
In 1878, a group of believers met in the home of the late Richard Johnson. This was the beginning of the church’s history and heritage as the first African American Church in Clifton Forge.
Eventually, the late Edmund F. Scott, grandfather of Mrs. Ernestine M. Scott, Marjorie Grice, and Mrs. Helen Johnson gave the church some land and the late R. B. Taylor, John C. Clark, Henry Murray, P. A. Jackson, W. S. Thomas, M. F. Duval, and Sylvester Craighead cleared the wooded grounds where the church now stands.