For years, rumors have circulated around a cashless society. Some believe the nation will ultimately veer off in that direction and have typically taken the stance that a cashless society is inevitable. Meanwhile, others have taken a more “go with the flow” mentality, embracing the constantly changing world as it is.
Some 50 years ago, our world might never have anticipated a society where “vines” and “reels” would compete with modern television or that long-distance phone calls and cameras would fit in the confines of a tiny pocket. It leaves one to ponder why the heated debate exists over the topic of a “cashless society” and if it could have the devastating consequences that some believe it will, or if it is even a blip in our future.
Not long ago at the height of the COVID pandemic, one could not visit the local Walmart and scan their items through U-Scan without the use of a debit card, as machines boasted signs disallowing cash. The same was suddenly true at gas stations that refused to accept anything but cards at the pump.
Another indication of this potential endeavor is revealed in a story someone recently shared with the Shadow. This person said that on their last Amtrak trip, the Café Car would only accept credit or debit cards, announcing over the speaker that they were “just opening and had no cash.” On the same trip, this person visited an eatery that refused to accept cash for the same reason.
Others have also noticed signs popping up at the Subway at Love’s saying they could only accept credit/debit cards or exact cash, as they claimed to have no change available for customers. Rumors have also circulated on Facebook about other local businesses in Alleghany County that are looking to, in the future, only accept credit and debit cards, doing away with cash altogether.
Whatever your stance on a cashless society, there seems to be an obvious potential that it could happen and may very well be on its way at this very moment. It would be illogical to disregard the possibility of a cashless society in the future, so the choice now seems to be how well we all adjust to it if it comes to pass. Cashless society or not, the world is always changing and we may just have to learn how to change with it.