Cumulative Case Count Roanoke City and Alleghany Health Districts: 72751 (up 702)
People hospitalized with COVID-19, as of Monday 8/29/2022: 33
- 27 new hospitalizations
COVID-19 related deaths, as of Tuesday 8/23/2022: 1047
- 656 Alleghany Health District, 391 Roanoke City Health District
The RCAHD teams continue to work with healthcare professionals and community-based organizations to identify and provide vaccine to individuals who are at greatest risk for this orthopox virus.
Hepatitis A Outbreak:
Since January 1, 2022, 83 cases of hepatitis A, including 60 hospitalizations, have been reported in RCAHD.
Vector-borne (“Insect-borne”) Illnesses:
Although summer will soon end, it is too soon to let our guard down around ticks and mosquitoes, whose active season continues well into the fall. Late summer and early autumn are typically the time of year when we see the peak number of insect-borne diseases. In addition to the typical seasonal tick-borne diseases including Lyme disease and ehrlichiosis, RCAHD recently received a report of a case of West Nile Virus.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs):
Unfortunately, we continue to see increases in all reportable STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, and syphilis) in our districts compared to last year. This trend is most notable for syphilis, where we have had a dramatic increase in the number of cases reported. In response, RCAHD is increasing access to testing and treatment and is continuing to work with community partners to provide education.