COVINGTON, Va. (VR) – The Mountain Toppers Healthy Aging Program welcomed Catherine Dougherty May, a registered dietician at LewisGale Hospital – Alleghany, to its February meeting. She discussed added sugars, demonstrating the sugar content in popular drinks. She also shared strategies for reducing salt intake in the diet. Pictured, from left, are May; Cassie Scott, ConnectionsPlus Healthcare + Hospice; Erin Via, LGH-A; Dr. Sandra McHenry, Alleghany Highlands YMCA Healthy Highlands program leader; and Lisa Sponaugle, director of the Alleghany Highlands Regional Library. The Mountain Toppers group meets the third Thursday of the month at the downtown Covington library, The March 20 meeting will feature a presentation from ConnectionsPlus Healthcare + Hospice on AIC (Advanced Illness Care). Advanced Illness Care is a program that provides an additional layer of support for patients and families navigating life with various illnesses. Lunch will be provided by Alcova Mortgage. Space is limited, so call (540) 962-3321 to reserve your spot. (Photo Courtesy Alleghany Highlands YMCA)