ALLEGHANY COUNTY, Va. (VR) – In a brief session held on Tuesday, March 4, the Alleghany County Board of Supervisors met to discuss several updates, hear a presentation from Jeremy Holmes, and approve several appointments.
Michael Foster was approved to replace David Halsey on the Clifton Forge West District Planning Commission. David Oliver was also reappointed to his position on the Industrial Development Authority. Both appointments are for four-year terms.
Jeremy Holmes, Executive Director of the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission, then offered his annual presentation regarding current projects and future work of the commission. Holmes highlighted legislative work, a collective response effort to address crisis care and an electric vehicle infrastructure report. He also shared work from the commission to establish the Appalachian Regional Commission that offers free grant writing services to help secure community funding.
In a somber moment, Reid Walters, Alleghany County Administrator, offered his resignation, citing health issues and a desire to spend more time with his family. Board members unanimously praised Walters for his work over the last three years. Shannon Cox stated, “I cannot thank Mr. Walters enough for his efforts to secure broadband services.”
In continued remarks, Cox also recognized the service of Steve Weikle, local volunteer firefighter for Boiling Springs District, stating, “I always felt safe because of Steve. This community lost someone that can never be replaced.”
Board members then moved to a closed session to discuss personnel matters, potential litigation and contractual matters.