COVINGTON Va. (VR) – November 5 is going to be an important day here in the U.S. Everyone will be heading to the polls once again to make their opinions known. On the line will be government positions from President down to local town and city councils. Alleghany will have many local positions up for grabs. On the line in the Covington City Council is the District Four seat. If you plan to vote in the upcoming election and live inside the lines of District Four, Susan Wolfe is one of the candidates for voters to consider. Wolfe was born and raised in Covington and has cemented herself into the best parts of the culture that is Alleghany County.
One of the most important aspects of local government for Wolfe, and closest to her heart is youth programs. As a mother, she has learned many lessons and formed a deep-seated belief that kids are our future. She understands that one way to ensure our youth develops into strong healthy adults is to provide the right kind of programs. Programs like year-round sports and other activities to develop their creativity such as art. She wants to get kids outside to enjoy the world around them by getting involved in local community service so they are not spending so much time in front of a television or computer screen. She understands the importance of developing well-rounded adults not only from being a mother but also from other aspects of her life like when she worked at the Covington Parks and Recreation Department for over five years or mentoring local kids in her community.
Wolfe possesses a passion for her community that is unparalleled by comparison. As a councilwoman, there are many things she wants to accomplish. One thing that sets her apart from others is her desire to bring everyone together to complete goals. She doesn’t see enough transparency from elected officials and thinks inviting the community back into the discussion where they are privileged to all the facts and data is the key to citizens trusting their government.
One of the first areas where Wolfe plans to use her transparent and inclusive government style is dealing with Covington’s infrastructure. She loves Covington’s unique identity and thinks displaying it in front of growing businesses is key to making them want to be a part of the community. Wolfe believes attracting new business to the city is essential to stimulating economic growth and knows it is an achievable goal when everyone is working together to make it happen.
Wolfe has done more than say she wants to be the representative for District Four on Covington’s City Council. She has put her health on the line proving it. While trying to accumulate the necessary signatures to qualify for the ballot she injured her shoulder. Undeterred by the wishes of her doctor and friends who wanted her to rest and take it easy, she pressed forward with her task even though at times she was in a lot of pain. She got the signatures she needed and wants you to take a chance on family values and government transparency by voting for her in the upcoming election.